Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files exchanged between the user’s browser and the host server. These text files have no harmful effects, but they make sure of the proper working and security of the website. Based on their function and purpose, there are technical cookies and profiling cookies.

What’s the difference between technical and profiling cookies?

Technical cookies are used by browser and server to ensure an effective and safe service to users. Without them, some functions will not work as expected. This means that for that type of cookies user’s consent is not necessary.These cookies cannot be used for other purposes.The profiling cookies instead are used to track user activity on the website. Thanks to these cookies, is possible to live an enriched and tailored user experience. These cookies could also be provided by third parties.

Does Tourmake use cookies?

Yes. Tourmake uses cookies to increase user safety and to profile him, in order to obtain anonymous statistics, useful for virtual tour makers.
However, Tourmake incorporates elements from third-parties services, which might require the user’s consent to be used.

What types of cookies does Tourmake use?

The following list (Table 1) includes the main used cookies and their aim, classified according to their source.

SourceTypes of cookiesPurposesLink to the complete policy
TourmakeTechnical, profilingTourmake installs session cookie for user safety. In addition, during the visit of a virtual tour many simple cookies are installed to record, for example, if the user has already visited that tour. This is useful for the virtual tour makers, because they can create more immersive experiences, collecting anonymous statistics from the visits. These data are not used externally by other services. Their consultation is exclusively reserved to the users platform. Therefore, from these data it’s not possible to view the individual user behavior: once collected, data are cumulated and provided to the owner’s profile in aggregated form.The page you’re currently reading contains the complete cookies policy used by Tourmake.
Google AnalyticsTechnical, profilingCookies installed by Google Analytics collects statistics on the visit of the virtual tours. These data are collected externally by the platform. A virtual tour can integrate or not Google Analytics. It depends on the preference expressed by the photographer who has created the virtual tour. Tourmake, instead, collects statistics on the use of its website( ) using Google Analytics, but detached from the virtual tours.
YouTubeTechnical, profilingWhile visiting a virtual tour, you can view a video embedded from YouTube. This kind of video can write cookies on user’s browser.
Other websites imported in the tour by iframeTourmake allows photographers to embed external pages into a virtual tour. The use of cookies by these pages is not controlled by Tourmake. The virtual tour maker must inform the user about the existence of cookies on their browser - when consent is required.

Is it possible to disable cookies?

Yes. Please, consult the guide to disable cookies in the browser - according to which browser you are using. Disabling cookies will prevent some websites from working correctly.

For this reason Tourmake ask for users consent in order to display the virtual tour correctly.

I’m a registered user in Tourmake. How can I edit my virtual tours so that they complies with the Cookies Policy?

Tourmake’s policy covers all needs of each virtual tour, during the usage of cookie on the client side. Therefore, in most cases, users have nothing to do: this policy provides all the necessary.

However, if your tour has an external HTML page in a custom content, you should ensure that this page is in conformity with Cookie Law. Otherwise, you should ask for user’s consent within the embedded page.

Tourmake shall implement the necessary controls to ensure that the embedded pages comply with the Cookies Law. When an embedded page uses only third-party cookies, which have been already included in Tourmake’s policy, the page is covered by our Cookies Policy.

I embedded a virtual tour on my website. What should I do?

Tourmake doesn’t show the cookie dialog when the virtual tour is embedded into any web site. Who embeds a virtual tour must show on his own website a cookie policy notification dialog, with a proper disclosure, that integrates this one you’re reading, by putting a link to this page. The owner of the web site should not show the iframe that contains the virtual tour if a visitor doesn’t explicitly allow the usage of cookies.

This applies only if the site is liable to the EU Cookie Law.

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