- Jan 15, 2019
- News
Reach your business matching goals by creating a permanent VR fairs even. Tourmake enables you to turn an event into a virtual fair on the web allowing exhibitors to be known worldwide and visitors to interact with the fair platform directly from the browser and from the comfort of their own home. With Tourmake you can create permanent VR environments open every day of the year and create real "virtual hubs" for any sector that generates leads and opportunities as a powerful marketing tool thus maximizing their investment which usually done for a limited-term fair. In this way you can capture the attention of virtual visitors who interact with the stand and get detailed information on the offered products. Attending a virtual fair is at hand opportunity for SMEs, a new chance to facilitate interactions with customers without limits of time and space.
Look at these examples:
Rimini Fiera: https://tourmake.it/riminifiera
Assemblea Anci: https://tourmake.it/assemblea-annuale-anci
Salon dell’Auto Belgio : https://tm3.co/JBJ9VZ